Who we are

Rocq Capital Management Limited launched on 1st July 2016 following a management buyout of the Edmond de Rothschild Group's Channel Island businesses and is a privately owned independent asset manager based in Guernsey.

We manage multi-asset and fixed income portfolios for a variety of private and institutional clients, using a process developed and run over the past decade by our investment committee. We take pride in delivering a high level of service that reflects the values of the firm, and as a result we have enjoyed long lasting client relationships that we continue to build on.

While we have a global outlook on investments, we also recognise the importance of contributing to our local community and are actively involved with charitable causes in the Channel Islands.

What we do

We aim to preserve and enhance capital steadily over time through the active management of diversified portfolios:

  • Invest where value is being added – we only pay for active management where it is differentiated and can truly add value
  • Take a long term investment view – we look for themes that will persist in a process that adapts to markets and steadily over time
  • Diversify appropriately – we construct portfolios that are diversified but believe in a reasonably concentrated approach to avoid dilution of investment ideas

There is a focus on:

  • Staying close to our clients – there is no layer of relationship managers between our investment team and our clients, with regular contact encouraged to foster a good level of understanding on both sides
  • Providing returns that mean something – ‘real’ returns that exceed inflation and add to clients’ purchasing power; protecting against losses rather than simply trying to beat a market benchmark
  • Regularly meeting managers of the funds we invest in – understanding styles, strengths and weaknesses of different approaches so that we know what to expect in various environments and how different investments can fit together in a portfolio
  • High levels of liquidity – no lock-up periods or other restrictions on accessing our clients’ money; daily or weekly liquidity with underlying investments that realistically match this profile


Sterling £

Bespoke Multi Asset

  • Cautious • low

  • Balanced • medium

  • Growth • high