Who we are
LGT Wealth Management is a UK-based wealth management firm and is part of the private banking group LGT, owned by the Princely Family of Liechtenstein. We are a privately owned business determined to bring fresh thinking to investment management, developing a client-focused, approachable and forward thinking discretionary service.
LGT Wealth Management provides services with:
• Unbiased approach – access to a wide range of investment solutions across the entire asset class spectrum and implementation methods (i.e. direct/indirect). We do not manufacture any products so there is absolutely no bias towards funds or fund managers.
• Dynamic investments and benchmark agnostic approach – we believe in high conviction and dynamic portfolio construction with an emphasis on providing your clients with capital preservation and growing the real wealth of their investments.
• Experienced investment team – we have a highly experienced investment team who have complementary backgrounds, skill sets, and are well respected by our peers. Many of our investment professionals have seen multiple market cycles, offering invaluable input to the investment process.
• Deep resources - LGT Wealth Management is highly committed to the investment research process and is constantly looking at adding new technologies or investment professionals to strengthen research capabilities.
• A clear and transparent fee structure – the structure is designed to align interests with that of the adviser firm and their clients. Any third party fees/commissions received are automatically rebated to the investor (and always have since LGT Wealth Management was formed).
What we do
LGT Wealth Management's investment management is grounded in knowledge, experience and conviction. A client's portfolio is designed to benefit from LGT Wealth Management expertise and analysis on markets, asset classes and sectors.
Our investment philosophy for Bespoke and Model portfolios is based around high conviction investing. We believe in active allocation and will combine active and passive funds to gain an exposure to an asset class. Our approach is to create balanced, individual portfolios, composed of the best investments across all asset classes, in order to provide strong and consistent risk adjusted returns over the medium and longer term. We look to add value through both top-down asset allocation and bottom-up security selection. We use a core model portfolio (GBP, USD and EUR) as a guide for investment managers to indicate the in-house views that we have on asset allocation. Changes are made to the asset allocation depending on prevailing investment conditions and our view of the likely short and medium term expectations for each of the asset classes. Know your client is our fundamental starting point and we recognise that each client's investment objectives and attitude to risk may be different. Understanding what each client means by risk is a fundamental part of our investment process and philosophy. We are not driven by benchmarks but can agree a benchmark with clients against which we can measure the performance of the portfolio.
As a result of the international character of our client base it was decided to establish a standalone business in Jersey called LGT Wealth Management (Jersey) Limited which was incorporated in December 2008, with an office in Jersey being opened in November 2010. LGT Wealth Management (Jersey) Limited is designed specifically to look after the assets of our offshore clients. The investment management and advisory services of our Jersey office include both bespoke and offshore model portfolios. Both LGT Wealth Management LLP and LGT Wealth Management (Jersey) Limited do not operate any in-house funds.